天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:37:00

In the 1940s and '50s, the U.S. conducted a series of nuclear tests in the Bikini Atoll, a ring of Pacific islands in Micronesia. Radioactive fallout still pollutes Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) to the east, but the nuclear blasts seem to have had no long-term impact on marine life there, including this school of trevally fish photographed by Kristof in the late '90s.
Photograph by Kristof.

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:37:13

Crystal Lake, Vermont, 1997
Photograph by Michael S. Yamashita
A row of red lawn chairs lines the shore of Crystal Lake, a 778-acre (315-hectare) glacial lake in northeastern Vermont popular for swimming, boating, and fishing.
The lake area is known as the place where Robert Rogers retreated with his legendary Rogers' Rangers regiment in 1759 following an infamous raid on an Indian enclave in St. Francis, Quebec, during the French and Indian War.
意译:水晶状的湖,美国佛蒙特州,1997.。一排为红色的座椅摆放在水晶湖岸边的草地上,这个冰湖有315公顷位于佛蒙特州的东北部,可以游泳,划船和钓鱼。水晶湖地域曾经是罗伯特•罗杰斯的后来他不得不撤退,他有一个传奇的故事,在1759年,此人和他的一批同伙跟随一个声名狼藉的人去突袭包围印地安人的领土,发生在(St. France男子名),魁北克(加拿大的一个省),正当法国和印地安人战争。

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:37:29

Alps Sheep, Fabregas, France, 1973
Photograph by George F. Mobley
"Bound for mountain pastures, sheep branded with red dye graze in the foothills of the French Alps on a misty June day."
(Text from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic book The Alps, 1973)

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:37:45

Great White Shark, Gansbaai, South Africa
Photograph by David Doubilet
On the prowl in Gansbaai, South Africa, a great white shark flashes rows of teeth sharper than daggers. With its numbers declining around the world, scientists warn that this species, the most feared of all sharks, may be in danger.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Great White: Deep Trouble," April 2000, National Geographic magazine)

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:37:59

The critically endangered golden lion tamarin is named for its striking orange mane.
Photograph by Mark W. Moffett

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:38:13

Olive baboons, like this mother and baby, are one of five baboon species. All live in Africa or Arabia.
Photograph by Michael Nichols

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:38:29

Fiercely protective of his pride, or family unit, male lions patrols a vast territory normally covering about 100 square miles (259 square kilometers).
Photograph by Chris Johns

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:38:47

Patterns in Nature: Aurorae
The northern lights turn the night sky an otherworldly green above Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada.
Photograph by Norbert Rosing

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:39:00

Patterns in Nature: Aurorae.
The aurora borealis lights up the sky above a snow-covered Canadian homestead.
Photograph by Norbert Rosing

天下 发表于 2008-8-5 12:39:13

Patterns in Nature: Aerial Views
Sea ice covers the Arctic Ocean, smallest of the Earth's oceans, most of the year.
Photograph by Norbert Rosing
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