美猴王 发表于 2013-4-18 13:19:31


本帖最后由 美猴王 于 2013-4-18 01:23 编辑


法案为110万在2011年12月31日前入境的非法移民铺平了通往公民的道路。非法移民只要没有重大刑事纪录,可以用一年时间(甚至更久一点的时间)来申请一个临时身份(Registered Provisional Immigrant Status),这个临时身份能让他们合法居住,合法工作,甚至出境旅行。但如果取得了临时身份,就不能享受任何福利比如免费健康保险。申请临时身份需要交500美金罚金,补税,还有申请费。临时身份六年更新一次,更新时再交500美金。




1. 这个递解不是因为刑事犯罪(那基本上就是政治庇护输了吧!)
2, 这个人入境美国是在2011年年底之前(废话,2011年年底之后才进来的人没几个已经被递解的,很多人连面谈都没轮上呢)
3. 有公民的配偶或者小孩

1. 临时身份需要10年才能转绿卡,3年转公民,真心觉得慢。
2. 如果可以合法工作,随意出境,配偶小孩都跟着享受,那要不要绿卡有什么关系?不就是不能拿免费健康保险嘛,唐人街自费看一次病也就30块,开一副药也就10块吧)
3. 递解的人应该回去,否则赖在美国享受不到福利。
4. 美国真的缺农民了,居然农民绿卡都想得出来,怪不得上个月我这里一个读农业生物的小孩面谈过了,还是杀手移民官批的。大家都别在唐人街八大道法拉盛挤破头了,买张机票,把德州变为新福州。

The bill provides a path to citizenship for the nation’s approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants as long as they entered the country before December 31, 2011. Undocumented immigrants without serious criminal convictions have one year — though that may be extended — to apply for Registered Provisional Immigrant Status (RPI). This would allow them to be in this country legally, work for any employer and travel outside of the United States. While RPI confers legal status, it does not make individuals eligible for public benefits, including healthcare, under the Affordable Care Act. The costs to apply for RPI status are a $500 fine, assessed taxes and application fees. After six years in RPI status, another $500 fee will be applicable.

A significant aspect of this bill is that an applicant’s spouse and children can be sponsored at the same time under the same application. There is no provision in the bill for same-sex couples, though a person familiar with the negotiations said that a DHS directive could be added if there are changes following a Supreme Court decision.

After 10 years, a person with RPI status will be eligible for a green card provided they have worked regularly, paid taxes, learned English and civics, and paid a $1,000 penalty. After three years with a green card, they can apply for citizenship.

Dreamers can get their green cards in 5 years, and will be eligible for citizenship immediately after that. Under a new AgJOBS Act, undocumented farm workers who have been working in the U.S. would be eligible for an Agricultural Card, and if they pay taxes and a $400 fine, they and their spouses and minor children can adjust to legal permanent resident status.

The bill addresses the issue of families who have been separated through deportation. Undocumented immigrants who had been deported for non-criminal reasons but who had been in the U.S. before the end of 2011 can reapply to re-enter and apply for RPI status, if they are the spouse of or parent to a child who is a U.S. citizen or legal resident, or a Dreamer eligible for the DREAM Act.

随遇而-安 发表于 2013-4-18 14:04:56


蒲公英飞 发表于 2013-4-19 00:04:02


夏日雨 发表于 2013-4-20 08:30:49

本帖最后由 夏日雨 于 2013-4-20 09:03 编辑


三月的风 发表于 2013-4-20 09:55:34


三月的风 发表于 2013-4-20 09:58:59


lingz88 发表于 2013-4-25 15:19:05

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